How to Trap Your Own Green Crabs —

Pick Up Some Bait

Green crabs like some strange snacks. We’ve had luck with hot dogs, fried chicken, and mackerel bait. Check out this blog post by Jimmy Elliott to learn more about recommended baits. 

Find a Harvest Spot

Your local fishing pier could be the perfect spot to trap green crabs! Green crabs like to hang out in areas with spots to hide (think eelgrass, fishing piers, rocky areas). They’re also common in estuarine areas with brackish waters so check out the mouth of small rivers or inlets (as long as it’s permitted). 

You can even harvest green crabs at some beaches but keep in mind that the green crabs like hiding spots. Some of our favorite Mass spots to catch green crabs include the Castle Island Fish Pier and Boston Harbor Islands.

Soak the Trap

Once your trap is loaded with bait and in the right spot, let it “soak” in the water for at least 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, check the trap for any crab activity. If you’ve selected a good spot, your trap might be nearly full after 20 minutes. 

Check the Crabs

Make sure that you’re trapping green crabs and not a native species. The easiest way to ID green crabs is to see if they have five points on either side of their eyes. Green crabs are not always green so checking for five points is the safest bet:
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