Trapping Native Green Crabs in Denmark —

What are your main markets for green crab (bait, restaurants, food processing companies)?

In 2023 my main market was for bait to the whelk fishery in the English channel. In 2024 I expect that most of my catch will be sold to a company that makes natural taste enhancers out of the green crabs. The company is located here in Denmark. 

A small part is being sold to local restaurants, but we are trying to expand that in the future, and maybe start an export to Southern Europe in partnership with a business partner.

During what seasons/ months do you trap green crabs? 

I have tried all year round. In February the water temperature got under 3 degrees Celsius and then the catch stopped, but I only tried out to 16 meters of water. In December with a water temperature of 6 degrees Celsius, I am fishing out to 27 meters.

The best months are from May to August. The other months are acceptable as long as the water temperature isn’t too low. But I am still learning. At the end of December, I found green crabs at 2-3 meters on a soft mud bottom with a water temperature of 3-4 degrees Celsius. 

How do you see restaurants cooking with green crabs?

I don’t know much about that, only that they are making a kind of bisque out of the green crabs.

Do you have a favorite way to cook with green crabs?

I am sorry to say that I haven’t tried it yet, but I have printed one of your recipes. 

What are some of the challenges associated with being a green crab harvester in Denmark? 

1-2 years ago the biggest problem was to find a way to sell the crabs and how to handle them.

The challenge now is storage and catching enough for the market and increasing the price so more fishermen start fishing for green crabs. 

My plan for the future is to get more creels and improve the conditions on my boat, which is 23 feet long and built for eel fishing, with the wheelhouse in the rear end. It would be nice to have a lobster boat, like the ones from the U.S. 🤩 

Another challenge is to make the right setup. I have tried different creels and until now a wrasse trap seems to be the best. A string with 10 creels with 4 fathoms between them is working okay for me.  

Can you tell us more about your collaboration with The Danish Technical University and efforts to build green crab supply chains in Denmark?

The DTU has supported us with creels and is working on ways to use the green crabs for human consumption. They are with us once a month to take samples and monitor the fishery compared to bycatch and the influence on the environment. In 2024, we will try storing the crabs in big cages in the sea. In that way, we hope to be able to minimize the cost of transport.

DTU made a report a few years ago that says it is sustainable to catch 10.000 tons of green crabs in the inland waters of the Baltic Sea, without any impact on the population. 

Otherwise, I am slightly involved in a business case, where two biologists, not related to DTU, are working on making an alternative to soy protein for pig feed, out of green crabs.
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